Tis the Season for Interns

Team Media

Written by Bekah — Serving in the home office Media Dept. 

Pre-Field Orientation (PFO) is a week of craziness. Don’t get me wrong - it’s amazing. I love every loud, exciting, sweaty (team-building activities in SW Florida!) moment. Fifteen interns from across the United States flew into Ft. Myers the last week of May to gather at New International’s home office, the CGO, to prepare for serving locally and internationally over the summer. 

The week is filled with sessions on conflict management, culture shock, self-care, and lots of opportunities for the interns to get to know the others they will be with all summer. While a lot of these sessions are heavy, we have a good time throughout with story time, games, and ice breaker questions. One of the most challenging - err, I mean impactful days is team building. Lori, the head of Mobilization, has the group of interns and leaders participate in all kinds of activities that stretch us. Some are very mind-orientated and take communication and problem solving. Other activities are full of laughter and a lack of personal space. These activities put us in situations where we are learning to trust ourselves and our fellow interns. We'll be pushed throughout the summer as we experience new cultures, languages, foods, and personalities. We'll be homesick, frustrated, and tired. These sessions and activities help us to be prepared for those situations and have excellent tools in our toolbox to help walk through those moments. 

One of the most impactful sessions for me is towards the end of the week when we speak scripture over one another. By inserting an individual's name into the verse, it is a powerful reminder to listen to Truth spoken by God. It is humbling to sit there and have verse after verse spoken over you intentionally and prayerfully. These are individuals I did not know a week ago, and yet now I know each of their voices and am moved to tears as I hear them whisper reminders of God's love to me. 

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