Healthy Relationships

Team SE Asia

Written by Micah — Interning in the Philippines

I have now been in the Philippines for almost three weeks and it has been amazing! I have had the opportunity to be a part of many cultural and ministry experiences while shadowing the Russells. I have been a part of a mass wedding for the Ati tribe as well as taught several music classes in the Ati school!

One thing that God is teaching me through this experience, is the impact that good relationships have on a community. The Russells have worked tirelessly to mend relationships between Ati leaders and pastors in order to help the Ati community thrive. I have been able to see the backside effect of this as the bridges have been made, and leaders have gone from enemies to friends with a common goal. Through this experience, God has shown me that in my future community development ministry, that building healthy relationships with the people to God, yourself, and those around you should be a top priority. This is because the rest of the development will flow from that. It has been a blessing to witness this first hand. 

As always, thank you for all the support and prayers, they are greatly appreciated!

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