God At Work

Team Thailand

Written by Zoe - Interning in Thailand

So much has happened within a three-week period of being in Thailand. It almost feels unreal. I have seen so much, have had so much good food, and have talked to so many wonderful people here. But the most amazing thing I have gotten a chance to see here is God at work. 

This past weekend I got a chance to go on an outreach to a village that one of the students was from and it was a great opportunity to share the love of Jesus with the youth there and just to spend time with them. 

While there, we did an entire program with a skit, puppet show, craft, and teaching for the youth based on the story of The Good Samaritan. It was a success! It was such a blessing to see the smiles on the youth’s faces and to hear their laughter throughout the day. It was also amazing to serve them, to tell them about Jesus, and just to be present with them. It truly taught me that we don’t have to know the right things to say or do (though we should certainly try to understand and learn!), but it was more about being present and being part of the support there.

Now, Thailand is largely Buddhist, but that means nothing to God. He is the God over every religion, every region, every country. To see what happened at the outreach this weekend encouraged me and reminded me of that fact. I feel like often in our lives we get discouraged because we don’t see God working, I know I certainly have. But let me encourage you. He is always working, and He never stops.

Please continue to pray for Thailand, and the wonderful things that God is doing here!

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