Nate grew up and lived in Iowa City, Iowa, for 32 years. He served in Children's Ministry beginning in high school and was a Children's Ministry Director for 12 years. While in Iowa City, Nate also served in various community outreach ministries that allowed him to connect with international students attending the University of Iowa. After completing his degree in Elementary Education and serving on several short term mission trips, Nate felt called to seek God for an opportunity outside of the physical church but within children's ministry. This led to a phone call and invitation to visit Australia and explore school chaplaincy and teaching Scripture classes in public schools. Since moving full-time to Newcastle at the beginning of 2018, Nate has been active in several ministries in the community and at church. Nate's primary focus is coordinating and teaching Scripture classes in public schools and volunteering in schools to support students' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Nate is also nearing the end of a Master's certificate course which will qualify him to be hired by a public school as a chaplaincy. Nate continues to support local churches within children's ministry and dsicipleship. He is excited to see what God has in store for his future in Australia as he strives to live out God's Word no matter where he is!