Luke and Alyssa, along with their children Psalm, Shepherd, and True are serving in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They joined the Prosperous Youth Foundation (PYF) team due to their shared passion of serving one of the world's most unreached, under-resourced, and overlooked people groups: youth.
Luke was working as a youth minister and a substance abuse program coordinator and Alyssa was working as a high school teacher when they both felt a calling on their lives to use their education and gifts to pursue full time global youth ministry.
They are excited to work with the PYF team to network with youth homes by providing them with resources, equip youth workers, and disciple youth (ages 12-20) living without their parents in the city of Chiang Mai. Many of these youth come from tribal families who live in mountain villages, hours from schools, so they move to the city for an education while their parents stay in the village to work their farms. There is great need for this kind of ministry for the youth to have more adult interaction and to be guided and introduced to Christ. The potential outcomes are invaluable: decreased drug use, prostitution, poverty and high school drop-outs and a generation who knows Christ and has hope for the future!
Click here to watch a two minute video that explains more about youth homes in Chiang Mai and the ministry of PYF.